Friday, 24 January 2014

How Useful Has A Particular Critical Approach Been In Gaining A Deeper Understanding And Appreciation Of Your Chosen Film?

Fight Club is a polysemic text, so you can look at it in many different ways and interpret quite a few meanings from it. For example, you could see the film representing a crisis of masculinity or you could apply Freudians theory of psychoanalysis to the text. If you did that you would see Tyler as being the ID. He is the selfish part of the personality. He is irrational and emotional, and can almost be described as a baby as they are selfish and only think about their own needs. The ID is constantly interrupting the ego and is trying to take control, as the ego is based on reality. It tries to meet the ID's needs of selfish wants and desires but incorporates the real word into everything. It basically tries to balance the personality and please everyone. The ego does have some control of the ID, but not total control. Sometimes the ID can take over. This is depicted in the scene where Jack is talking to Marla, and Tyler keeps calling up from down in the basement. Jack is trying to get back into reality, and also when on the phone to the police discussing the details of his apartment explosion, Tyler runs upstairs and tells Jack what to say. At first jack resists, but then repeats what Tyler says. This is a representation of the ID influencing the ego in the way that the ID is trying to steer the ego away from reality, and the ego loses control eventually and the ID has full control of what jack (the ego) is saying. This could also imply that Jack and Tyler are the same person, as the ID and ego are aspects of the personality in one individual.